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Wingtat Game Bird Packers Wingtat enews
March 13, 2020
Chinese Version
Our response to COVID-19: Working together to be safe and healthy

In line with the efforts and response of our local and global communities to the COVID-19 situation, Wingtat is taking the necessary actions and precautions to ensure the well-being, the health and the safety of our Wingtat employees, customers and the communities whom we work with and service to.

We continue to closely monitor and follow the guidance of the World Health Organization and the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) regarding the Coronavirus. As concerns rise, we want to personally reach out and let you know what we are doing to reinforce the safety of our employees and the food products we supply.

Since we first established over thirty years ago, food safety has always been our top priority. Currently, there is no known potential risk of the virus to food safety. However, we continue to prioritize food safety in our daily operations via strict food safety protocols. We continue to monitor, review, update and improve our procedures as the COVID-19 situation changes.  As always, we are working together with Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) to ensure our production facilities and products optimally meet and/or exceed high food safety standards. The Agency is dedicated to safeguarding food, animals and plants, which enhances the health and well-being of Canada's people, environment and economy.

Our employees are reminded to always wash their hands thoroughly. In addition to all the hand washing stations in place throughout our facilities, we have also increased the number of hand sanitizing stations for our employees, customers and visitors. We continue to emphasize to our employees the importance of personal hygiene and health.

To ensure our workplace environment is healthy and safe for our employees to come to work each day, employees returning to British Columbia from visiting and/or transiting through areas and countries affected by the Coronavirus are asked to postpone their return to work by a period of 14 days. Our visitors and business contacts are also kindly asked to refrain from entering our facilities should they have recently returned from affected areas and countries.   

At this time, please be assured that Wingtat will continue supplying our poultry products to our commercial customers (supermarkets, meat shops, and restaurants).

We hope the measures we have taken thus far build upon the established confidence and trust you have in our Company and food products.  

Should you have any questions and/or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at or 604-278-4450.

Let us all work together so that we can return to enjoying safe and healthy communities locally and abroad. Remember to stay positive. Let's take care of each other; together we are always better and stronger.

Wingtat Game Bird Packers

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Wingtat Game Bird Packers - 11951 Forge Place, Richmond, B.C., V7A 4V9
Phone: +1 604-278-4450 Fax: +1 604-277-5594 Email: