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Lotus Leaf Wrapped Chicken

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Good quality, dried scallops are highly enjoyed in the Cantonese culture. Moreover, lotus seed is very beneficial for a strong heart and lung. Peanut is sweet and nourishing for the kidney. Rinse the peanuts clean before cooking it, to wash away the foam. Then pan fry with ginger and saute the lotus seeds until tender. After cooling it, stuff everything inside the chicken. After, wrap the stuffed chicken with the lotus leaves and steam. When it is ready to serve, you can smell the richness of the chicken, which will be appealing to everyone in the family.


  • Ginger Wine 3 tbsp
  • Salt 1 tbsp
  • Soy Sauce1 tbsp
Spices / Sauces:
  • Salt 1/4 tsp
  • Sugar1/4 tsp
recommended wingtat product


  • Wash the Wingat Canada Chicken and marinate for 30 minutes, remove the hard cover of the dried scallop. Soak lotus seeds and peanuts for 1 hour. Lightly boil lotus leaves, and dry the leaves.
  • Heat a little oil, then fry ginger, and put in the lotus seeds, peanuts and seasoning. Add water 1 cup of water and boil until it is tender and remove everything to cool.
  • Put the lotus seeds, peanuts, dried scallops inside the chicken, then wrapped the lotus leaf around the Canada Chicken and steam for 30 minutes and baked for a while.
  • Opened lotus leaves, the rich chicken dish is ready to be placed on the table.